Athenæ Oxonienses. The History of Oxford Writers. Vol. 2, p. 3
John Dawson
, a most eminent Preacher of his time, was born in Oxfordshire, particularly, as it seems, within the City of Oxon, became first of all conversant with the Muses in Ch. Ch. in Mich. term 1620, aged about 15 years, took one degree in Arts, and afterwards entring into holy orders was made Vicar of Maydenhead in Berks, where and in the neighbourhood, he was much resorted to for his edifying preaching. After his death were published of his composition, by one H. M.
Eighteen Sermons preached upon the incarnation of the nativity of Jesus Christ, &c. Lond. 1642. qu. The five first are on John 1. ver. 1. the four following on Joh. 1. ver. 2. and the nine following those four, are on Joh. 1. ver. 6. to ver. 14. Which learned Lucubrations promise no less than what they appear a compendious volumn of Divinity. He died in the prime of his years in the beginning of Septemb. in sixteen hundred forty and one,1641. and was buried in the Parish Church of Cookham near to Maydenhead before mentioned, on the seventh day of the same month. Contemporary with the said Jo. Dawson, I find another of Ch. Ch. who after he had continued in the state of M. of A. about ten years, was admitted Bach. of Div. 1634, but this person, who was of gentile parents in London, hath published nothing, as I can yet learn. I find also one Joh. Dawson Author of Paraphrasis metrica in Proverbia Salomonis. Lond. 1639. oct. but whether written by either of the former, or by a third, I cannot tell unless I can see the book.