Athenæ Oxonienses. The History of Oxford Writers. Vol. 1, p. 551
Henry Deane
, was educated in this University, where he took the degrees in Arts and Divinity, but in what coll. or Hall it appears not. However some are pleased to say that he was educated in New coll. yet whether he was perpetual Fellow thereof, the registers of that house tells us not. After he had left the University, he was made Prior of Lanthony near to Gloucester (in the neighbourhood of which place, I presume, he was born) and on the 13 of Sept. or 20. Nov. 11. Hen. 7. he was by Letters (a)(a) Pat. 11. Hen. 7. p. 1. in dors. Pat. constituted Chancellour of Ireland, to execute that office by himself or a Deputy. On the first of Janu. following he was constituted (b)(b) Ibid p. 1. Deputy and Justice of the said Realm, where being setled, he performed good service against that grand impostor Perkin Warbeck, and being elected Bishop of Bangor, after the death of Richard lately Bishop of that place, had restitution (c)(c) Pat. 12. Hen. 7. p. 1. m. 5. of the temporalities belonging thereunto made by the King 6. Octob. 12. Hen. 7. Dom. 1496. In 1500. he was translated to Salisbury on the death of John Blyth lately Bishop thereof, (Son of Will. Blyth of Norton in Yorkshire, Son of another William of Leedes in the said County) and had restitution (d)(d) Pat. 15. H. 7. p. 1. m. 27. of the temporalities thereof made to him (as the manner is) on the 12. March the same year: About which time he was made Chanc. of the Order of the Garter. In 1501. he was elected Archb. of Canterbury upon the death of Cardinal Moreton: whereupon being translated thither, had (e)(e) Pat. 16. H. 7. p. 1. m. 1. restitution made of his temporalities, on the second of Aug. the same year. About that time the members of the University of Oxon received an Epistle (f)(f) Reg. Epist. Univ. Oxon. FF. Ep. 518. of favour from him; wherein, among other things, he stiles the said University his benignissima mater. He died at Lambeth on the 15. of Febr. saith a certain (g)(g) Franc. Godwin Ep. Land [•] v. in Com. de Praesul. Angl. in Cant. author, tho a register (h)(h) Reg. Antiq. coll. Merton fol. 138. [•] . of that time tells us,1502-3. ’twas on the 16. of that month, in fifteen hundred and two: Whereupon his body was carried to Canterbury, and buried in the middle of the Martyrdom, within the precincts of the Cathedral there, leaving then behind him the character of a person altogether fit for those places that he successively enjoyed.