Athenæ Oxonienses. The History of Oxford Writers. Vol. 2, p. 636
Samuel Derham
son of Will. Derham of Weston, called by some Weston Subter Wethele, near Camden in Glocestershire, was born in that County, entred a Student in Magd. Hall, in Mich. term 1672 aged 17 years, took the degrees in Arts, entred on the Physick line, took one degree in Physick and published,
Hydrologia Philosophica: Or, an account of Ilmington waters in Warwickshire, with directions for drinking of the same. Oxon. 1685. oct.
Experimental observations touching the original of compound bodies—Printed with Hydr. Philos. Afterwards he proceeded in his faculty, had then, and before some practice in it, and dying of the small pox on the 26. of Aug. in sixteen hundred eighty and nine,1689. in his house in S. Michaels parish within the City of Oxon, was buried at the upper end of the north Chancel of the Church belonging to the said Parish.