Athenæ Oxonienses. The History of Oxford Writers. Vol. 1, p. 142

Leonard Digges

second Son of James Digges of Digges Court in the Parish of Berham in Kent, by Philippa his second Wife Daughter of John Engham of Chart in the said County, was born in the Province of Kent, particularly, as it seems, at Digges Court, educated for a time in this University, (but in what house, unless in Univ. Coll. I know not) where laying a foundation of greater learning, departed without a Degree, and afterwards became a most excellent Mathematician, a skilful Architect, and a most expert surveyour of Land. At length lest it should be thought that he studied only for himself, and not for the benefit of others, he published a book entit.

Tectonicon: Briefly shewing the exact measuring, and speedy reckoning of all manner of lands, squares, timber, stones, steeples, &c. Lond. 1556. qu. Augmented, and published again by his Son Tho. DiggesLond. 1592. qu.

Printed there again 1647 qu. Our Author Leon. Digges wrot also,

A Geometrical practical treatise named Pantometria, in 3. bookes.—Which being attempted in his younger years, his said Son Thomas supplied such parts of it after his death, as were left obscure and imperfect, adjoyning thereunto, A discourse Geometrical of the five regular and Platonical bodies, containing sundry Theorical and Practical propositions arising by mutual conference of these solides, Inscription, Circumscription, and Transformation. Lond. 1591. fol.

Prognostication everlasting, of right good effect: or, choice rules to judge the weather by the Sun, Moon, Stars, &c. Lond. 1555—56. and 64 qu. corrected and augmented by his said Son Thomas, with divers general tables and many compendious rules—Lond. 1592. qu. what else he wrot,Clar. 1574. I find not, nor certainly when he died, unless about the Year Fifteen hundred seventy and four, or whether his death was at Eltham in Kent, or at another place. There is some memory of him and his Family (in whose veines hereditary learning doth seem to run) on a Monument in Chilham Church in Kent, not to shew that he was buried there, but to shew the genealogie of his Family, set up by his Grandson Dudley Digges (of whom I shall make mention in 1638) which being too long for this place, I shall pass it by at present for brevity sake.