Athenæ Oxonienses. The History of Oxford Writers. Vol. 2, p. 507
John Dobson
a Ministers son, was born in Warwickshire, became Demie of Magd. Coll. about 1653, perpetual Fellow in 1662, being then Master of Arts and a most celebrated Preacher; and in the year after he did repeat memoriter, in Dominica in Albis the four Easter sermons to the wonder of the auditory, in the University Church of S. Mary. In the month of Sept. the same year (1663) he was expel’d the University for being author of a Libel in vindication of Dr. Tho. Pierce against Dr. Hen. Yerbury; so that all the credit that he before had gained by his preaching, was lost among some: but being soon after restored, he continued in his Coll, took the degree of Bach. of Div. and afterwards became Rector or Cold Higham near to Tocester in Northamptonshire and of Corscomb in Dorsetshire by the favour of Sir Will. Farmor of Easton Neston, sometimes his Pupil (if I mistake not) in Magd. Coll. He hath written
Queries upon Queries: or Enquiries into Certain Queries upon Dr. Pierce’s sermon at Whitehall, Feb. 1. Lond. 1663. in two sh. in qu.
Dr. Pierce his preaching confuted by his practice. Sent in a Letter by N. G. to a friend in London.—This was printed in half a sheet in qu. and was first published in Oxon. 28 Aug. 1663. It is written in prose and verse: the beginning of the first is, Dear George, I send thee a copie of a Lampoon upon the President of Maudlins, &c. and the beginning of the other, which is the Lampoon, runs thus,
About 8 or 10 days after was published in Oxon. another libel intit. Dr. Pierce his preaching exemplified in his practice. Or, an antidote to the poison of a scurrilous Pamphlet sent by N.G. to a friend in Lond. &c. Which libel, tho written by Dr. Pierce, yet Dobson took it upon him upon a close inquisition after the author, to save the Doctor: whereupon the Vicech. by his Bannimus dat. 10 of Sept. 1663, stuck up in publick places in the University, did expel the said Dobson, and discommune for ever the Bookseller called Edmund Thorne living near the East gate of Oxon, for selling the said libel or libels. Our Author Dobson hath also published,Near to the ford, o’re which an Ass
Or an Ox at least did pass, &c.
Sermon at the funeral of the Lady Mary Farmor, Relict of Sir Will. Farmor Bt, who died at Lond. 18 Jul. 1670, and was buried 5 of Aug. following at Eston-Neston in Northamptonshire, on 1 Thess. 4.13. Lond. 1670. qu. He died in the beginning of the year sixteen hundred eighty and one, but where he was buried,1681. unless at Corscomb, I know not.