Athenæ Oxonienses. The History of Oxford Writers. Vol. 1, p. 149

Thomas Dorman

was born at Berchamstede in Hertfordsh. partly educated in the Free-School there under Mr. Rich. Reve a Protestant, by the care and exhibition of his Uncle Tho. Dorman of Agmondesham alias Amersham in the Country of Bucks. and partly in Wykehams School near to Winchester. At length being made full ripe for the University, he was elected Probationer-Fellow of New Coll. but leaving that house before he was made compleat Fellow, (upon what account I know not) was after Qu. Mary came to the Crown, elected Fellow of Allsouls Coll. in 1554, where following his studies with indefatigable industry, was admitted in the University to the reading of any book of the institutions of the Civil Law, an. 1558. But upon the alteration of Religion which soon followed in the beginning of Qu. Eliz. he left all he had in the University, his friends, country and patrimony, and went to Antwerp, where being encouraged in his studies by Dr. Tho. Hardyng, then an Exile in those parts, (and therefore zealously took his part against Jewell,) became Bach. and at length Doctor of Divinity. He hath written,

A proof of certaine articles in religion denied by Mr. Jewell. Antw. 1564. qu.

A request to Mr. Jewell that he keep his promise made by solemne protestation in his late Sermon at Pauls cross, 15 June 1567. Lond. 1567. oct.

Disproof of Mr. Alex. Nowells reproof. Antw. 1565 qu. Besides other things, which being printed beyond the Seas, we seldom see them in these parts. As for the death of this our learned and pious Author, 1577 which hapned at Tournay in the Law Countries about Fifteen hundred seventy and seven, this note following written in a MS. remaining in the English Coll. of Seculars at Doway, doth intimate thus of it. Thomas Dormannus vir doctus, qui unum aut alterum librum edidit contra Haereticos, postea fuit pastor in civitate Tornacensi, & ibidem obiit circa an. 1577.