Athenæ Oxonienses. The History of Oxford Writers. Vol. 1, p. 275
Thomas D’Oylie
descended from a right ancient Family of his name living or Oxfordshire, was born in that County, elected Probationer-Fellow of Magd, coll. an. 1563. and after he had taken the Magisterial degree, entred on the Physick line, travelled and became Doctor of his Faculty in the University of Basil. Afterwards setling in London, he became one of the College of Physicians, and much frequented for his successful Practice in his Faculty. He had a chief hand in a book intit.
Bibliotheca Hispanica; containing a Grammer with a Dictionary in Spanish, English, and Latin. Lond. 1591. qu. in two parts. This book was published by one Rich. Percyvall Gent. who had another hand in it, yet with the advice and conference of Dr. D’oylie, who dying in the beginning of the year sixteen hundred and three, 1603 was buried in the Church of Little S. Barthelmew in London, leaving then behind him a Son named Francis, born 8. Feb. 1597. and a daughter married to Hugh Cressy a Counsellour, Father to Hugh Cressy a Benedictine Monk.