Athenæ Oxonienses. The History of Oxford Writers. Vol. 2, p. 357
Francis Drope
a younger Son of Tho. Drope B. D. Vicar of Comnore near Abendon in Berks, and Rector of Ardley near Bister in Oxfordshire, was born in the Vicaridge House at Comnore, made Demy of Madg. Coll. in 1645, and ejected thence by the Parliamentarian Visitors in 1648, he being then Bach. of Arts. Afterwards he assisted Mr. Will. Fuller in teaching a privat School at Twickenham or Twittenham in Middlesex, where continuing till his Majesties return in 1660, was restored to his place, actually created M. of A, made Fellow of the said Coll. in 1662, and afterwards Bach. of Div. and Preb. of Lincoln. He hath written on a subject which he much delighted in, and wherein he had spent a considerable part of his time; but was not printed till after his death. The title of which is,
A short and sure guide in the practice of raising and ordering Fruit-trees. Oxon. 1672. oct. A large and laudable account of which, you may see in the Philosophical Transactions, numb. 86. p. 5049, &c. He died on the 26. of Sept. in sixteen hundred seventy and one, and was buried near to the grave of his Father in the Chancel of the Church of Comnore beforemention’d.1671.