Athenæ Oxonienses. The History of Oxford Writers. Vol. 2, p. 580

William Durham

son of Joh. Durh. of Willersley near Camden in Glocestershire, was born there, educated in Grammar learning under one Mr. Sturby who kept a private School at Broadway in the same County, became a Student of New Inn in 1626 aged 15 years, took the degrees in Arts, holy Orders, and when about an years standing in the degree of Master, he was made Curat to Dr. Thom. Bunbury Rector of S. Maries Church in Reading. In the beinning of the Civil War he left that place, retired to London, and there, after some short stay, was chosen preacher of the Rolls in Chancery Lane, at which time he took the Covenant. From thence, by a presentation, he went into Berks. and became Rector of Burfield, being about that time Bach. of Divinity, and thence was translated to the rich Rectory of Tredington in Worcestershire, which before, I cannot say immediatly, had been enjoyed by Dr. Will. Smith somtimes Warden of Wadham Coll. After his Majesties restauration he was ejected thence to make room for Dr. Joseph Crowther of S. Johns Coll. who before had obtained a presentation thereunto: whereupon our author Durham retiring to London, lived there for some time without a cure. A length upon his Conformity to the Church of England, Sir Nich. Crispe presented him to the Rectory of S. Mildred in Breadstreet within the City of London (to which Parish, that of S. Margaret Moses was joyned after the dreadful fire in the said City) where he finished his course. He hath extant

Several Sermons as (1) Maran-Atha: The second Advent, or Christs comming to jugdment, an Assize Serm. at Warwick, 25. of July 1651. on Jam. 5.9. Lond. 1652. qu. (2) Serm. before the Artillery Company at S. Andrews Undershaft, 30 Aug. 1670. on 1. Cor. 16.13. Lond. 1671. qu. (3) Serm. before the L. Mayor and Court of Aldermen at at S. Mary le Bow, 21. Nov. 1675. on Prov, 29.1. Lond. 1676. qu.

A serious exhortation to the necessary duties of families and personal instruction, for the use of Tredington Parish—Printed in 1659 in tw.

The life and death of that judicious Divine and accomplished preacher Rob. Harris D. D. lately President of Trinity Coll. in Oxon, &c. Lond. 1660. oct. He died on the seventh day of July in sixteen hundred eighty and four and was buried in the Chancell of the Church of S. Mildred before mentioned,1684. in a vault belonging to the Ministers thereof, just under the Communion Table.