Athenæ Oxonienses. The History of Oxford Writers. Vol. 1, p. 101
Roger Edgeworth
another zealot, and a frequent Preacher against Protestants, called in his time Hereticks, was born at Holt castle within the Marches of Wales, became a student in Oxon about 1503, took a degree in Arts in 1507, and the Year after was elected Fellow of Or [•] el College, to which place he was a benefactor at the time of his death. Afterwards, proceeding in the said faculty, he took holy orders, and became a noted Preacher in the University and elsewhere. In 1519, he was admitted to the reading of the Sentences, and afterwards became very well dignified, as Canon of Salisbury, Well and Bristow, (being then D. of D) Residentiary of the Cathedral of Wells, and Chancellour of the same Church. The last of which dignities was (p)(p) Reg. Gilb. Bourne Ep. B & Wells, quod incipit 20. Ap [•] 1551. conferr’d on him 30. Apr. 1554 upon the deprivation of Joh. Tayler alias Cardmaker. Besides all these he was Vicar also of St. Cuthberts Church in Wells, to which he was admitted, 3. Oct. 1543, upon the death of Joh. Southwode LL. D. When King Hen. 8. had extirpated the Popes power, he seemed to be very moderate, and also in the Reign of K. Ed. 6. but when Qu. Mary succeeded, he shew’d himself a most zealous Person for the Roman Catholick Religion, and a great enemy to Luther and Reformers. His works are,
Sermons fruitful, godly and learned Lond. 1557. qu. containing (1) A declaration of the seven gifts of the holy ghost. (2) A Homely of the articles of Christian Faith. (3) Homely of Ceremonies and of mans Laws. (4) A perfect exposition of St. Peters first Epistle in XX treatises or Sermons. What other things he hath published I cannot yet find, neither should I have known any thing of the said Fruitful Sermons, had I not accidentally seen them in that choice collection of Books in Balliol Coll. Library, given thereunto by the no less curious, than learned Sir Thom. Wendy Knight of the Bath, sometimes Gentleman-commoner of the said House. This Dr. Edgeworth took his last farewell of this World in the beginning of the Year Fifteen hundred and sixty, 1560 and was directly buried before the choire door in the Cathedral Church at Wells: Whereupon Dr. Gilbert Bourne Bishop of that place, did present or collate to the said Chancellourship of the Church of Wells, one Gilbert Bournford Bachelaur of Divinity, on the second day of April in the same Year.