Athenæ Oxonienses. The History of Oxford Writers. Vol. 2, p. 291

John Eedes

Son of Nich. Eedes, was born in the City of Salisbury, entred a Student in Oriel Coll. 1626, aged 17 years, took one degree in Arts, and afterwards became a Minister in the Isle of Shepie; whence being ejected in the time of the Rebellion, suffer’d much by imprisonment in Ely House, and other miseries. At length returning to his native Country, he became Curate of Broadchalke, which, with much ado, he held for about two years, and then was made Vicar of Hale in Hampshire. He hath written in answer to Will. Eyre of Salisbury,

The orthodox doctrine concerning justification by faith, asserted and vindicated. Lond. 1654. qu. After his Maj. Restauration he did not return to Shepie, but continued at Hale (which is not far from Surum) where he was first rob’d in his own house, and then murdered, by Thieves,1667. in sixteen hundred sixty and seven or thereabouts, and was buried in the Church there. What other things he hath published, or left behind him fit for the press, I cannot tell.