Athenæ Oxonienses. The History of Oxford Writers. Vol. 1, p. 413
John Favour
, born in the Borough of Southampton in Hampshire was educated for a time in Grammatical learning there: Afterwards being compleated for the University in Wykehams School, he was elected Probationer of New coll. in 1576. and two years after was made compleat fellow. In 1592. he proceeded Doctor of the civil Law, and in the year following, he became Vicar of Halifax in Yorks. in the place of Dr. Henry Ledsham sometimes Fellow of Mert. college resigning. At which place he being setled, he preached every Lords day, lectur’d every day in the week, exercised justice in the Commonwealth, (being Justice of Peace as Vicar of that place) practiced for Gods sake and meerly out of Charity, Physick and Chirurgery on those that were not able to entertain a professed Doctor or Practitioner. On the 23. March 1616. he was collated to the Prebendship of Driffeild in, and to the Chauntorship of, the Ch. of York, on the death of Dr. Joh. Broke or Brook deceased, and in the beginning of March 1618. was made Warden of the Hospital of St. Mary Madg. near Ripon in Yorkshire, on the death of Ralph To [•] stall. He was esteemed a person of great piety and charity, and one well read in substantial and profound authors, as it appears by those books he hath written, especially in that published, entit.
Antiquity triumphing over novelty, &c. or Antiquity a certain note of the Christian Cath. Church, Lond. 1619. qu. He concluded his last day in this world on the tenth of March in sixteen hundred twenty and three, and was buried in his Church of Halyfax; 1623-24. a copy of whose Epitaph you may see in Hist. & Antiq. Vniv. Oxon. lib. 2. p. 144. a. In his Vicaridge succeeded Rob. Cl [•] y D. D. of M [•] rt. coll. and him Hugh Ramsden B. of D. another [〈◊〉] in 1628. and in his Chantourship of York succeeded H [•] n. Hook D. D. as I shall tell you elsewhere.