Athenæ Oxonienses. The History of Oxford Writers. Vol. 1, p. 152
George Ferrers
seems to have been born at or near to St. Alban in Hertfordshire, was educated for a time in Oxon. whence going to Lincolns Inn, did, after he was Barrester, became as eminent for the Law, as before he was for his Poetry, having been as much celebrated for it by the learned of his time as any. This Person, tho he hath not writ much, as I can yet find, yet he is numbred among the (b)(b) Joh. Leland in Principum ac illustrium aliquot & eruditorum in Anglia virorum, Encomiis, Trophaeis, &c. Edit. Lond. 1589. p 99. the illustrious and learned Men of the Age he lived in, by Joh. Leland the Antiquary. He hath written,
Miscellany of Poems.—And translated from French into Latin The Statutes called Magna Charta. The beginning of which is Hic habes candide lector, leges, &c. He ended his days at Flamsted in Hertfordshire, in the beginning of the Year Fifteen hundred seventy and nine, 1579 and was, as I conceive, buried there. You may see more of him, his character and employments in the Author before quoted. In the Year 1542 I find one George Feres Burgess for Plymouth to sit in a Parliament then held; whether the same I know not.