Athenæ Oxonienses. The History of Oxford Writers. Vol. 1, p. 5

Donald O-Fihely

, a Person much valued among his Country-men, for his unwearied industry in matters relating to History and Antiquity; was Born of an Antient Family in the County of Cork in Ireland: whence in his Youthful Years being sent to Oxon, improved himself much in Academical Learning; but whether he took a Degree, we have no Register that testifies it. Afterwards receeding to his Native Country, he wrot in his own Language.

The Annals of Ireland—drawn down with great care and labour to his time, and by him Dedicated to his Patron, and Favourer of his Muse Florence Mac Mahoun. This Book, which doth as yet, as I conceive, continue in MS, was in the Custody of one Flor. Mac Carty in 1626, as the Antiquary (m)(m) Jacob. Waraeus in lib. 1. De Scriptorib. Hibern. cap. 11. of Ireland attesteth; who adds, that this our Author O Fihely did write the said Annals about the latter end of the last, or in the beginning of this Century, which we are now upon: So that I presume, that he was living in Fifteen hundred and five,Claruit 1505. and that he wrot, as ’tis probable, other things, but lost. In this Mans time, I find many noted Persons of Ireland to have studied in this University; who, as it seems, have either been Writers, Bishops, or Statesmen in that Kingdom; but most of their Christian Names being deficient, I cannot justly particularize them, or say that this was afterwards a Writer, or that a Bishop, &c.