Athenæ Oxonienses. The History of Oxford Writers. Vol. 1, p. 554

Chrisiopher Fisher

, an Oxford man by Academical education, was afterwards Bishop of Elphine in Ireland, and Prebendary of Hustwayt in the Church of York; which Dignity he obtained after he was made Bishop.151 [] . In fifteen hundred and eleven, or thereabouts, he departed this mortal life, and that year one Thom. Wa [] lashe succeeded him in the said Prebendship, but who in the See of Elphine, except one John, who became Prebendary of Amplesord in the Ch. of York 3. Nov. 1530. and died on the Feast of the Assump. of the B. Virgin, 1536. (being then Prior of Welbeck in Nottinghamshire,) I know not.