Athenæ Oxonienses. The History of Oxford Writers. Vol. 1, p. 528

Jasper Fisher

, a Gentlemans Son, was born in Bedfordshire, entred a Com. of S. M. Magd. hall. in Mich. Term 1607, took the degrees in Arts, became afterwards Divinity or Philosophy reader of Magd. coll. Rector of Wilden in his own Country, about 1631, and at length D. of D. He hath written and published.

Fuimus Troes Aeneid. 2. The true Trojanes, being a story of the Britains valour at the Romans first invasion. Lond. 1633. qu. Before which time, it had been once, or more, publickly represented by the Gentlemen-Students of Magd. coll. in Oxon.

Several Sermons, as (1) Serm. on Malac. 2. 7. Printed 1636. in oct. &c.Clar. 1638. This person who was always esteemed an ingenious man while he lived in Magd. coll. as those that knew him, have divers times informed me, lived several years after this, (1633.) but when he died, or what other things he hath published, I cannot learn.