Athenæ Oxonienses. The History of Oxford Writers. Vol. 1, p. 158
Leonard Fitzsimons
was born in the Diocess and County of Dublin in Ireland, admitted Scholar of Trinity Coll. (from that of Corp. Ch. of which he was Clerk) 17 June 1558, aged 17, and the next year was made Fellow, being then Bach. of Arts. In 1563 he proceeded in that faculty, but being a R. Cath. in his heart, and therefore unwilling to take holy Orders according to the Church of England, left his Fellowship and retired to Hart hall about 1571. At length going into his own Country, had some employment confer’d upon him, and was in his latter years, as I conceive, a Rom. Priest. He is charactarized by one (k)(k) Ri [•] . Stany [•] . ut sup. cap. 7. who knew him, to be profundus clericus, qui utrasꝫ linguas, Theologiam & Mathematicam admodum caluit & coluit. And there is no doubt but that he hath written and published several Books, which being printed beyond the Sea, we seldom see them in these parts. He was famous and noted for his learning in Ireland in Fifteen hundred and eighty,Clar. 1580. but when he died, or where his relicks were lodg’d, I cannot tell. One Hen. Fitzsimons, a famous Jesuit was also educated in Hart hall, as I shall tell you elsewhere.