Athenæ Oxonienses. The History of Oxford Writers. Vol. 1, p. 277

Thomas Floyd

a Welsh-man became a Batler or Commoner of New Inn in the beginning of 1589. took one degree in Arts, which being compleated by Determination, he translated himself to Jesus coll. and as a member and fellow of that house took the degree of Master, and afterwards wrote,

The picture of a perfect Commonwealth, describing as well the offices of Princes and inferiour Magistrates over their Subjects, as also the duties of Subjects towards their Governours, &c. Lond. 1600. in tw. He hath written, as ’tis probable, other things, but what, I cannot tell, only certain Latine Poety scattered in several books,C [] a. 1603. particularly in that intit. Academia Oxoniensis pietas erga Jacobum Regem an. 1603. I find three or more of both his names, his contemporaries, and Welsh-men also of Jesus, college, but whether either of them hath any thing extant I cannot tell.