Athenæ Oxonienses. The History of Oxford Writers. Vol. 1, p. 288
Edward Forset
, a Gentlemans Son of Lincolnshire, and of the same Family with the Forsets of Billesby in that County, became a Commoner of Linc. coll. in 1590. or thereabouts, aged 18. but leaving that house without the honour of a degree, retired at length to his Patrimony, and wrote,
A comparative discourse of the bodies natural and politick. Wherein, out of the principles of nature, is set forth the true form of a Common-weal, with the duty of the Subjects, and the right of the Sovereign, &c. Lond. 1606. qu.Clar. 1606. and other things as ’tis probable, but such I have not yet seen. The next person that must begin the year of 1607. was in his time esteemed a most excellent Latinist and Poet, as was by all acknowledged.