Athenæ Oxonienses. The History of Oxford Writers. Vol. 1, p. 504

William Foster

, a Londoner born, became a Student in S. Johns coll. in Mich. Term 1609. aged 18. afterwards M. of A. Chaplain to Rob. L. Dormer E. of Carnarvan, and Parson of a little Town called Hedgley near to Beconsfield in Bucks. He hath published,

Sermon on Rom. 6. 12.—printed 1629. qu.

Hoplocrisma-Spongus: Or a Sponge to wipe away the weapon salve. Wherein is proved that the cure taken up among us, by applying the Salve to the weapon, is magicall and unlawful. Lond. 1631. qu. In the composure of which book he had some light from Johannes Roberti a Jesuit, and D. of D. who, because some Protestants practice this and characterical cures (which notwithstanding are more frequent among Roman Catholicks) he therefore calls them MagiCalvinists, Characterists, &c. He makes that generally in them all, doctrinal, which is but in some few personally practiced. But our author Foster, Clar. 1633. tho he hath written rationally, and in his book hath shew’d great reading, yet he hath been answered, not without some scorn, by Rob. Fludd Doctor of Physick, as I shall tell you elsewhere. This Will. Foster lived some years after the publication of his Sponge, but when he died, or what other things he hath extant, I cannot yet tell.