Athenæ Oxonienses. The History of Oxford Writers. Vol. 1, p. 426

Richard Fowns

, a Ministers Son, and a Worcestershire man born, was elected Student of Ch. Ch. 1577. aged 17. took the degrees in Arts, became Chaplain to Prince Henry, Bach. and D. of D. 1605. and about that time Rector of Stoke upon Severn, commonly called Severnstoke, in his own Country. He hath written,

Trisagion, or the three Offices of Christ. Lond. 1619. qu. He was buried in the Church of Severnstoke, 25. Nov. in sixteen hundred twenty and five, 1625 and soon after was put a Mon. over his grave with an inscription thereon, but so miserably defaced in the Civil War that brake out 17 years after, that ’tis not now (as I have been informed) legible, otherwise I should have given you a copy of it here. A Latin Sermon of one Rich. Fowns, preached on 2 Thess. 2. 34. was published in 1660. but whether preached by our author, or another of both his names, I cannot tell, because I have not yet seen it.