Athenæ Oxonienses. The History of Oxford Writers. Vol. 1, p. 338
Thomas Freeman
, a Gloucestershire Man born, of the same Family with those of Batsford and Todenham near to Morton in Marsh, became a Student in Magd. coll. an. 1607. aged 16 years, or thereabouts, and Bach. of Arts four years after. At length retiring to the great City, and setting up for a Poet, was shortly after held in esteem by Sam. Daniel, Owen the Epigrammatist, Dr. Joh. Donn, Shakspeare, George Chapman, Tho. Heywood the Playmaker and others. To some of whole judgments he submitted these his two books of Epigrams following.
Rubbe, and a great Cast. In 100 Epigrames. Lond. 1614. qu.
Runne, and a great Cast. The second bowle, in an 100 Epigrams.Clar. 1614.—Printed with the former Epigrams, and both dedicated to Thomas Lord Windsore, who seemed to patronize his studies. The reason for Rubbe and Runne, he gives in these four verses.
Sphaera mihi; calamus, mundi sunt crimina, nodi,
Ipse sed est mundus, Sphaeromachia mihi.
Sive manere Jubes, Lector, seu currere spaeram
Lusori pariter, curre mane que placent.