Athenæ Oxonienses. The History of Oxford Writers. Vol. 2, p. 136

John French

Son of Joh. Fr. of Broughton near to Banbury in Oxfordshire was born at Broughton, entred into New Inn 1633 aged 17 years, took the degrees in Arts, entred on the Physick line, practiced his faculty in the Parliament Army by the encouragement of the Fiennes men of Authority in the said Army, and at length became one of the two Physicians to the whole Army, under the conduct of Sir Tho. Fairfax Knight. In 1648, at which time the Earl of Pembroke visited this University, he was actually created Doctor of Physick, being about that time Physician to the Hospital called the Savoy, and one of the Coll. of Physicians. His works are these.

The Art of Distillation: or, a treatise of the choicest spagirical preparations performed by way of Distillation, &c. in 6. books. Lond. 1651. 53. &c. qu.

The London Distiller, exactly and truly shewing the way to draw all sorts of Spirits and Strong-waters—printed with The Art of Distillation, &c.

The Yorkshire Spaw: or, a treatise of four medicinal Wells, viz. the Spaw or Vitrilone Well, &c. their causes virtues and use. Lond. 1652. in tw. One J. F. Med. Doct. hath translated from Lat. into Engl. (1) A new light to Alchymie, and a treatise of Sulphure. Lond. 1650. qu. written by Mich. Sandivogius. (2) Nine books of the nature of things. Lond. 1650. qu. written by Paracelsus. (3) A Chymical Dictionary, explaining hard places and words, met withal in the writings of Paracelsus, &c. Lond. 1650. qu. Which J. F. this translator, I take to be the same with our Author Joh. French, who died in Oct. or Nov. in sixteen hundred fifty and seven, at, or near,1657. Bullogne in France he being then Physician to the English Army there. He had a Brother named William French of Caies Coll. in Cambridge, said also to be Doctor of Physick, and Physician to the Army in Scotland, where he died in the beginning of the year 1650.