Athenæ Oxonienses. The History of Oxford Writers. Vol. 1, p. 189

Ulpian Fulwell

, a Somersethire Man born, and a Gentlemans Son, became a Commoner of St. Maries Hall, in the Year 1578 aged 32 but whether he took any Degree among us, it appears not. While he continued in the said House, where he was esteemed a Person of ingenuity by his contemporaries, he partly wrot,

The eighth liberal science, called Ars adulandi, or, the Art of flattery—Printed 1579. qu. Afterwards having learned the art of Poetry among the Academians, he wrot and published,

A pleasant enterlude, intit. Like will to like, quoth the Devil to the Collier. Wherein is declared what punishment follows those that will rather live licentiously, that esteem and follow good counsel. Lond. 1587. qu.Clar. 1587. Written in time, and printed in an English Character. The name of Ulp. Fulwell stands quoted by Jo. Speed in his life of K. Ed. 6. in his Chronicle, and therefore I suppose he hath other things printed, for I cannot conceive that Joh. Speed should quote him for any thing out of the two former books.