Athenæ Oxonienses. The History of Oxford Writers. Vol. 2, p. 46


du GRES a Frenchman, studied sometimes among the Oxonians, afterwards went to Cambridge for a time, as it seems, and returning thence soon after, taught privately for several years the French Tongue in this University. His works are these.

Grammaticae Gallicae compendium. Cantab. 1636. oct.

Dialogi Gallico-Anglico-Latini. Oxon. 1639. 1652. and 1660. oct.

Regulae pronunciandi; & ut verborum Gallicorum Paradigmata. printed with the Dialogues.

Life of Jean Arman du plessis Duke of Richelieu and Peer of France. Lond. 1643. oct. and other things, Clar. 1645. as ’tis probable, but such I have not yet seen, nor know any thing else of the Author.