Athenæ Oxonienses. The History of Oxford Writers. Vol. 2, p. 26
Hannibal Gammon
a Londoner born and a Gentlemans Son, became a Commoner of Broadgates hall in 1599. and in that of his age 17, took the degrees in Arts, and afterwards was made Minister of S. Maugan in Cornwall, where he was much frequented by the puritannical party for his edifying and practical way of preaching. He hath published
Several Sermons, as (1) Gods smiting to amendment, &c. preached at the Assizes in Launceston 6. Aug. 1628. on Esay 1.5. Lond. 1629. qu. (2) Praise of a godly woman, a wedding Sermon, &c. Lond. 1627. q. (3) Sermon at the Lady Roberts funeral, 10. Aug. 1626. &c. These two last I have not yet seen, nor another Sermon preached at the Assizes in Launceston, 1621, Clari. 1643. which was printed that year. In 1641 he sided with the Presbyterians, and in 1643 he was chosen one of the Assembly of Divines, which is all I yet know of him.