Athenæ Oxonienses. The History of Oxford Writers. Vol. 1, p. 194

John Garbrand

alias Herks Son of Garbrand Herks a Dutch Man and Bookseller living sometimes in St. Maries Parish in Oxon, was born within the City of Oxon, educated in Grammar learning in Wykehams School near Winchester, admitted perpetual Fellow of New Coll. an. 1562, being esteemed then a good Poet. Afterwards, he, by the favour of Bishop Jewell (who had been well acquainted with his Father while he lived in the University) became Prebendary of Yatesbury in the Church of Salisbury, on the resignation of Tho. Whyte LL. D. in Nov. 1565, being then only Bach. of Arts, and Prebendary of Minor pars Altaris in the said Church. In 1567 he left his Coll. and on the 18. of March 1568 he was made Preb. of Chute and Cheesenbury in the said Church of Sarum, on the deprivation of Joh. Fuller, Garbrand being then Rector of North-Crowley in Bucks. In 1582 he took the Degrees in Divinity, was then accounted an eminent Theologist and a noted Preacher, but withal a severe Puritan. He hath gathered together, corrected and compleated several things of the said B. Jewell, whome he in a marvellous manner had admired, as (i) A view of a seditious bull sent into England from Pius 5. Pope of Rome, an. 1569. (2) A short treatise of the Holy Scriptures. Lond 1582. oct. Both which Jewell delivered in divers Sermons in the Cathedral Church of Salisbury, an. 1570. (3) An exposition on the two Epistles to the Thessalonians. Lond. in oct. (4) Certain Sermons preached at Pauls Cross. Lond. 1583. oct. They are in number six. (5) Treatise of the Sacraments, gathered out of certain Sermons preached at Salisbury. Lond. 1583. oct. This Dr. Garbrand died in the Winter time (about Christmas) in Fifteen hundred eighty and nine, 1589 and was buried in the Church of North-Crowley before-mention’d. He gave by his will several books to New Coll. Library: And all such books and papers that were given to him by B. Jewell, as also all such loose sheets which he the said Garbrand had drawn for common places, gathered out of that Bishops books, he gave to Rob. Chaloner and John Rainolds Doctors of Divinity.