Athenæ Oxonienses. The History of Oxford Writers. Vol. 2, p. 163

Edward Gee

, Son, as I conceive, of Edward Gee, mentioned among the Writers in the first Vol. under the year 1618. p. 377, was born at a Market Town in Oxfordshire called Banbury, an. 1613, bred in Newton School in the Parish of Manchester in Lancashire, became a Communer of Brasn. Coll. in Mich. term, an. 1626, took one degree in Arts, and left the University for a time. At length entring into the sacred Function, he proceeded Master in the said faculty 1636, being about that time Chaplain to Dr. R. Parr Bishop of the Isle of Man, and a Minister in Lancashire. Afterwards, when the Rebellion broke out, he sided with the Presbyterians, took the Covenant, and for his great activity in prosecuting the holy cause, he became Rector of the rich Church of Eccleston in the said County, in the place of Dr. Parr before mentioned, and an active man while he was an Assistant to the Commissioners of the said County for the ejection of such whom they then (1654, an. 2 Oliv. Protect.) called scandalous and ignorant Ministers and Schoolmasters. He hath written,

A Treatise of Prayer and of divine Providence. Lond. 1653. 61. oct.

The divine right and original of the civil Magistrate from God, grounded on Rom. 13.1. Lond. 1658. in a large oct. Soon after was another part of this put out, concerning the Oath of Allegiance, which I have not yet seen.1660. He died 26 of May, in sixteen hundred and sixty, and was buried in the Parish Church of Eccleston before mentioned.