Athenæ Oxonienses. The History of Oxford Writers. Vol. 1, p. 516

Charles Fitz-Geffry

, or Fitz-Geoffry Son of Alex. Fitz-Geoffry) was born of a gentile family in the County of Cornwall, became a Commoner of Broadgates hall in 1592. aged 17, took the degrees in Arts, entred into the Theological function, and at length became Rector of S. Dominick in his own Country, where he was esteemed a grave and learned Divine, as before he was, while resident in the University, an excellent Latine Poet. His works are,

The life and death of Sir Francis Drake.—Which being written in lofty verse, when he was Bachelaur of Arts, he was by those of his time called The high towering Falcon.

Affaniae sive Epigrammata lib. 3.

Cenotaphia lib. 1.

Oxon. 1601. in oct.

Divers Sermons, as (1) Deaths Sermon unto the living; delivered at the funerals of Philippa late Wife of Sir Anth. Rous of Halton in Cornwall, on Eccles. 7. 2. Lond. 1620. qu. dedicated to Jo. Pym Esq (2) Elisha his lamentation, &c. Sermon at the funeral of Sir Ant. Rous late of Halton in Cornwall Knight, on 2 Kings 2. 12. Lond. 1622. qu. (3) The curse of Corn-horders; with a blessing of seasonable selling, in three Sermons, on Prov. 11. 26. Lond. 1631. qu. (4) The blessed birth day celebrated in some religious meditations on the Angels anthem, Luke 2. 14. Oxon. 1634. and 36. qu. second edition. To which are added Holy Transportations in contemplating some of the most observable adjuncts about our Saviours nativity. (5) Compassion towards captives, chiefly towards our brethren and countrymen, who are in miserable bondage in Barbary: urged and published in three Sermons, on Heb. 13. 3. at Plymouth in Octob. 1636. Oxon. 1637. oct. He hath also made A collection of choice Flowers and Descriptions, as well out of his, as the works of several others, the most renowned Poets of our Nation: collected about the beginning of the raign of K. James 1. but this, tho I have been many years in seeking after, yet, I cannot get a sight of, it. He died in the Parsonage house at S. Dominick before mention’d, and was buried under the common table in the Chancel of the Church at that place, on the 22 Febr. in sixteen hundred thirty and six.1656-57. In which Church, tho there be no memory by writing remaining of him, yet others have celebrated it in their respective works. Rob. Chamberlaine his sometimes acquaintance hath bestowed an Epitaph upon him in his (a)(a) Printed at Lond. 1638. in tw. Epigrams and Epitaphs, printed with his Nocturnal Lucubrations. John Dunbar also a Scot, who was known to, hath an Epigram (b)(b) In cent. 2. Epigram. n [] . 16. on, him, his worth and learning. And among others also must not be forgotten his familiar friend Robert Hayman, who in his Quodlibets and Epigrams doth stile (c)(c) In lib. [〈◊〉] Epigram p 28. &c. him learned and witty, and a most excellent Poet, but whereas he stiles him Bach. of Div. I cannot find it so mentioned in the publick registers, and therefore, I presume, if he was so, that degree was confer’d upon him elsewhere.