Athenæ Oxonienses. The History of Oxford Writers. Vol. 1, p. 566

Maurice Fitz-Gerald

, called by some Mauritius Johannis, was of ancient extract in Ireland, and for a time educated in Oxon under the name of Fitz-Gerard, but whether he took a degree we have no Register of that time that shews it. Afterwards by provision from P. Julius 2. he was made Archb. of Cashills in Ireland, and died, 1523 as ’tis (d)(d) Jac. War. ut supra, p. 1 [] 1. reported, in fifteen hundred twenty and three. ’Tis said that certain statutes, made in a Synod by him held at Limerick 1511. were inserted in the Register of Thom. Pursell B. of Lismore and Waterford; which with the Reg. it self were afterwards consumed in the flames, as I have before told you.