Athenæ Oxonienses. The History of Oxford Writers. Vol. 2, p. 132

Stephen Geree

elder Brother to Jo. Geree mention’d under the year 1648. was a Yorkshire man born, and at 17 years of age, an. 1611 became a Student in Magd. Hall, where going through the courses of Logick and Philosophy, took one degree in Arts, afterwards Holy Orders, and was either a Minister or Schoolmaster, or both. In the time of rebellion I find him Minister of Wonnersh near to Guildford in Surrey, at which time being a zealous Brother for the cause that was then driven on by the Saints, he was removed to a better place called Abinger in the said County. His works are these.

Several Sermons, as (1) The ornament of Women. or, a description of the true excellency of Women, Serm. at the funeral of Mrs. Elizab. Machel, 15. Apr. 1639, on Prov. 31.29.30. Lond. 1639. in tw. and others which I have not yet seen.

The Doctrine of the Antinomians by Evidence of Gods truth plainly confuted: In an answer to divers dangerous Doctrines in the seven first Sermons of Dr. Tob. Crisps fourteen, which were first published, &c.—Lond. 1644. qu.

The golden meane, being some considerations, together with some cases of conscience resolved, Clar. 1656. for a more frequent administration of the Sacrament of the Lords Supper. Lond. 1656. qu. What other Books or Sermons he hath written I know not, nor any thing else of him.