Athenæ Oxonienses. The History of Oxford Writers. Vol. 2, p. 513
Charles Gibbes
the sixth son of Sir Ralph Gibbes, was born at Hunnington in Warwickshire, near to a Market Town called Shipson in Worcestershire, on the 4. of Nov. 1604, admitted a student in this Univ. in the beginning of 1620, and taking the degree of Bach of Arts in the latter end of 1622, was chosen Probationer-Fellow of Merton Coll. two years after; where going thro the severe exercise then used, (since, especially after the restauration of K. Ch. 2, much decayed) he became a noted Disputant, Orator and quaint Preacher. In Apr. 1638 he was presented by the Warden and Fellows of his Coll. to the Rectory of Gamlinghay in Cambridgshire, and thereupon leaving the house he setled there, without hopes of being translated to another place. At length being involv’d in great troubles for his Loyalty, he resign’d that Rectory in 1647 to prevent Sequestration, retired to Canterbury and taught a private School there with good success. After the blessed time of his Majesties restauration, he was made Parson of Stanford-Rivers in Essex, which he enjoyed 21. years, Prebendary of Westminster, which he kept 19 years, and Doctor of Div. by creation of this University. He hath written and published,
Thirtie and one Sermons preached to his parishioners of Stanford Rivers in Essex, upon several subjects and occasions. Lond. 1677. qu. He also took a great deal of pains in collecting and fitting for the Press several Sermons and discourses of Dr. Walt. Raleigh (who married the Sister of this our author Gibbes) but before they were finished, he paid his last debt to nature; which hapning at Stanford Rivers on the 16 of Sept. in sixteen hundred eighty and one,1681. was buried in the Church there, leaving then behind him the Character of a Loyal and Religious person, and of a charitable and a good neighbour.