Athenæ Oxonienses. The History of Oxford Writers. Vol. 1, p. 568
William Gilbert
a Canon Regular and Prior of Brewton or Bruton in Somersetshire (in which county he was born) became Doct. of Div. of this University in 1506. and in the year after was made Vicar of Mynhead in his own country, on the death of Tho. Beaumont sometimes Fellow of Merton coll. Afterwards, being esteemed a man of note, reverence and great Religion, he was made Suffragan Bishop to Hadrian de Castello Bishop of Bathe and Wells, under the title of Episc. Majorensis, which is, (*)(*) Qu. whether Megara, in which City Euclid was born: in partibus Infidelium, and by that title he was admitted Vicar of Southpertherton in the Dioc. of Wells 16. Dec. 1525. by the presentation thereunto of Jo. Herte Abbot of Athelney, as also to other benefices, and one or more dignities to keep up his port. Afterwards, or about that time, he went to Rome, Clari 1527: and there procured (†)(†) Joh: Leland in 2 vol. Itin. fol. 45. of the Pope that the Priory of Brewton might be changed into an Abbey. After his return, he was always called Abbat Gilbert, and with its name, did so change the buildings of his Abbey, that it was but little better than re-edified by him. Whether he was the last Abbat I know not.