Athenæ Oxonienses. The History of Oxford Writers. Vol. 1, p. 276
William Gilbert
, Son of Hierom Gilbert of Colchester in Essex, was born there, and educated in both the Universities, but whether in Oxon first or in Cambridge, I cannot justly tell. Afterwards he travelled beyond the Seas, where, I presume, he had the degree of Doctor of Physick conferred upon him, and at his return being famed for his learning, depth in Philosophy, and admirable skill in Chymistry, became one of the Coll. of Physicians in Lond. and Physician in Ord. to Q. Elizabeth, who had so high a value for him, that she allowed him an annual Pension to encourage his studies. He hath written,
De magnete magneticisque corporibus & de magno magnete tellure; Physiologia nova. Lond. 1600. fol. To which book the author added an Appendix of 6 or 8 sheets, but whether printed I cannot tell.
De mundo nostro sublunari, Philosophia nova. Amstel. 1651. qu. Published from a MS. in the Library of the Famous Sir Will. Boswell Knight. He also was the first that invented the making, description, and use of the two most ingenious and necessary instruments for Sea-men, to find out thereby the Latitude of any place upon the help of the Sun, Moon, and Stars. Which invention was published by one Tho. Blondeville,—Lond. 1602. qu. This Dr. Gilbert gave way to fate in the Summer time in sixteen hundred and three, 1603 having always lived a single life: Whereupon his body was buried in the Parish Church of the Holy Trinity in Colchester, in which Parish he was born, and accounted the chief person thereof. By his last Will and Test. he gave all his books in his Library, his Globes, Instruments, and Cabinet of Minerals to the Coll. of Physicians; which part of his Will was exactly performed by his Brethren, viz. William (so he is written in his Will) a Proctor in the Arches, Hierom, Ambrose, and George, who participated of his Estate. The picture of this famous Doctor, drawn to the life, is hanging in the School-Gallery at Oxon, which shews him to have been of statute tall, and of a cheerful complexion.