Athenæ Oxonienses. The History of Oxford Writers. Vol. 1, p. 512

Alexander Gill

, born in Lincolnshire on the 27. Feb. 1564. was admitted Scholar of Corp. Ch. coll. in Sept. 1583. took the degrees in Arts, that of Master being compleated in 1590. left the coll. and became an instructer of Youth, but where, unless in the City of Norwich, (where he lived 1597. and then wrote his treatise of the Trinity,) I know not. Sure I am, that in 1608. he became the chief Master of S. Pauls School within the City of London, in the place of Rich. Mulcaster, was esteemed by most persons to be a learned man, a noted Latinist, Critick, and Divine, and also to have such an excellent way of training up youth, that none in his time went beyond him. Whence ’twas that many noted persons in Church and State, did esteem it the greatest of their happiness, that they had been educated under him His works are,

Treatise concerning the Trinity in unity of the Deity. Lond. 1601. oct. written to Tho. Manering an Anabaptist, who denied that Jesus is very God of very God.

Logonomia Anglica. Qua gentis sermo facilius addiscitur. Lond. 1621. qu.

Sacred Philosophy of holy Scripture. Or a Commentary on the Creed. Lond. 1635. fol. At the end of which is printed also his Treatise of the Trinity before mention’d. He died in his house in St. Pauls Ch. Yard, on the 17. 1635 Novemb. in sixteen hundred thirty and five, and was buried on the twentieth day of the same month in Mercers Chappel in London, in a vault near to the Monument of Mr. Brown and Mr. Fishbourne. He left behind him a Son of both his names, whom I shall hereafter mention.