Athenæ Oxonienses. The History of Oxford Writers. Vol. 1, p. 458

Thomas Goffe

, or Gorgh, a Ministers Son, made his first entry on the stage of this transient World in the County of Essex, was elected, from Westminster School, a Student of Ch. Ch. in 1609. aged 18. where applying his Muse to polite studies became an excellent Poet and Orator. Afterwards he proceeded in Arts, entred into the Sacred Function, and shortly after became a quaint Preacher, and a person of excellent language and expression. In 1623. he was admitted to the reading of the Sentences, and about that time had the Parsonage of East-Clandon in Surrey conferr’d upon him; where taking to Wife a meer Zantippe, the Widdow of his Predecessor, notwithstanding he had always before prosessed himself an Enemy to the Female Sex, and esteemed by many another Joseph Swetnam, he was so much overtop’d by her and her children which she had by her former Husband, that his life being much shortned thereby, died at length in a manner heart-broken. But before his Marriage he composed most of these things following, some of which were printed after his death.

Oratio funebris habita in Ecclesiâ Cath. Christi Ox. in obitum Gul. Goodwin istius Eccles. Decani S. T. Doctoris. Ox. 1620. in one sh. and an half in qu.

Oratio funebris habita in Scholâ Theol. Oxon. in obitum D. Hen. Savilii. Oxon. 1622. qu.

Deliverance from the grave, Sermon at St. Maries Spittle in Lond. 28. Mar. 1627. on Ezek. 37. 13. Lond. 1627. qu.

The raging Turk; or Bajazet the Second. Trag. Lond. 1631. qu.

Couragious Turk; or Amurath the First. Trag. Ibid. 1632. qu.

Tragedy of Orestes. Lond. 1633. qu. These three Tragedies were reprinted at Lond. 1656. in oct. by the care of Rich. Meighen the authors friend.

Selimus Emperour of the Turks, Trag. Lond. 1638. qu.

Careless Shepardess, Trag. Com. Lond. 1656. qu. It was printed before, but lying dead, had a new title bearing date the same year, put to it,

The Bastard, Trag. Lond. 1652. qu. Some say it was not written by Goff, but by Cosmo Manuche, and therefore perhaps ’twas only a translation. Qu. He the said Th. Goffe made his last Exit at E. Clandon before-mentioned; and was buried 27. 1629 July in sixteen hundred twenty and nine, in the middle of the Chancel of the Church there; leaving then behind him other things fit for the Press, as I have been informed by one that was acquainted with the author, but what became of them he could not tell.