Athenæ Oxonienses. The History of Oxford Writers. Vol. 1, p. 369

John Goldesburg

, descended originally from those of his name, living at Goldesburg in Yorkshire, was born 18. oct. 1568. spent some time among the Oxonians for form-sake about 1584. went thence to the Middle Temple, were after he had continued in the degree of Barrester, and for some years been resorted to in matters relating to his profession, was made one of the Prothonotaries of the Common Pleas. He wrote and left behind him fit for the Press,

Reports, or, collection of cases and matters agitated in all the Courts in Westminster, in the latter years of the reign of Qu. Elizabeth, with learned arguments at the Barr, and on the bench. Lond. 1635. &c. qu. Published by Will. Shepphard Esq Upon which cases and matters Sir Edm. Anderson and Sir Jo. Popham, Judges, wrote Resolutions and Judgments. 1618 Our author Goldesburg concluded his last day on the 9. oct. in sixteen hundred and eighteen. Whereupon his body was buried near to the high Altar of the Church belonging to the Temples. He left behind him other things, as ’tis said, fit for the Press, but in whose hands they are, I could never learn.