Athenæ Oxonienses. The History of Oxford Writers. Vol. 2, p. 606

William Gould

was born of gentile parents at Parhams farm in the Parish of Alston in Wiltshire, entred a Com. of Oriel Coll. 19 of May 1658, where being extravagant in his life and conversation, was forc’d thence, but taking up in time, and making a through reformation in him self, obtained the Chancellors letters for the accumulating the degrees in Arts an. 1666, wherein I find this character of him, that he is a man of very good parts and learning and well qualified to do service in the Church, &c. But whether he was admitted Bach. or Master of Arts, it appears not. About that time being in holy Orders, he became Rector of Kenn near Exeter in his own Country, a most loyal and orthodox person and a good preacher. He hath published,

Several Sermons as (1) Domus mea domus orationis, preached at S. Peters in Exeter, on Matth. 21.13. Lond. 1672 qu. (2) Conformity according to the Canon justified, and the new way of moderation reproved, preached in the Cathedral Church of S. Peter in Exeter, at the Visitation of Anthony Bishop of Exeter, on 1. Cor. 14.20. Lond. 1674. qu. (3) The generosity of Christian love, on 1. Cor. 13.5. Lond. 1676. qu. (4) The primitive Christian justified, and Jack Presbyter reproved; or a scripture demonstration, that to be innocent and persecuted is more eligible than to be prosperously wicked . preached in his Abbey Church of Bathe, on Job 36.21. Lond. 1682. qu. He died in the latter end of Octob. in sixteen hundred eighty and six,1686. and was buried on the first of Novemb. in the Church of Kenn before mention’d, where there is a Monument and Epitaph over his grave.