Athenæ Oxonienses. The History of Oxford Writers. Vol. 2, p. 105
John Grayle
Son of Jo. Gr. of Stone in Glocestershire Priest, was born in that County, entred a Batler in Magd. Hall in the beginning of 1632, aged 18 years, took the degrees in Arts and afterwards became a Puritannical Preacher. In 1645 or thereabouts, he succeeded one Mr. George Holmes in the Mastership of the Free-School at Guilford in Surrey, and afterwards was made Rector of Tidworth in Wilts. where he was much followed by the precise and godly party. He hath written against Will. Eyre of Sarum,
A modest vindication of the Doctrine of conditions in the Covenant of Grace, and the Defenders thereof, from the aspersions of Arminianisme and Popery. Which W. E. cast on them Lond. 1655. qu. published after the Authors death by Constantine Jessop, who hath put a preface to it. What else our Author hath written (unless Sermons) I know not, nor any thing of him beside, only that he dying in the beginning of sixteen hundred fifty and four,1654. was buried in Tidworth Church: At which time Dr. Hump. Chambers his neighbour preached his funeral Sermon before the Brethren, then in great numbers present. In the latter end of which Sermon, which is printed, as also in the Epistle before it, you may read much in commendation of our Author Grayle, who tho a Presbyterian, yet tinged he was with Arminianisme.