Athenæ Oxonienses. The History of Oxford Writers. Vol. 2, p. 116
Alexander Griffith
a Welsh man born, was educated in Hart Hall, took one degree in Arts, an. 1618 retired to his Country, and there had a School or a small cure, or both, conferred upon him. In 1631, he proceeded in his faculty, being then, or after beneficed in South Wales; but after the Rebellion broke out, he suffered for his Loyalty, and at length was sequestred from his Spiritualities. He hath written,
Strena Vavasoriensis: or, a New-years gift for the Welsh Itinerants. Or an hue and crie after Mr. Vavasor Powell Metrapolitan of the Itinerants, and one of the Executioners of the Gospel by colour of the late Act for the propagation thereof in Wales, &c. Lond. 1654. in 4 sh. in qu. Therein is a true relation of the birth, course of life and doctrine of the said Vav. Powell.
A true and perfect relation of the whole transaction concerning the petition of the six Counties of South Wales, and the County of Monmouth, formerly presented to the Parliament of the Commonwealth of England for a supply of Godly Ministers; and an account of Ecclesiastical revenues therein, &c. Lond. 1654. in 7. sh. and half in qu. He is supposed also to be Author of, or at least to have had a hand in, a Pamphlet entit.—Mercurius Cambro-Britannicus: or, News from Wales, touching the miraculous propagation of the Gospel in those parts, &c. Lond. 1652. in 3 sh. in qu. Clar. 1654. Of what other things he is the Author, or promoter, I know not, nor whether he lived to be restored to his Spiritualities.