Athenæ Oxonienses. The History of Oxford Writers. Vol. 1, p. 631
Edmund Griffith
a Caernarvanshire man born, was admitted in the quality of an Exhibitioner (a)(a) Reg. antiq. coll. Ænean fol. 95. a. into Brasnose college on the 8. Apr. 1587. having before, as I conceive, been a Student of that of Jesus, took the degrees in Arts, that of Master being compleated in 1592. About which time being in full Orders, had some employment agreeable to his profession in these parts. In 1599. he was admitted to the reading of the Sentences, and afterwards being made Dean of Bangor in the place of Dr. Joh. Williams deceased, in Sept. or Oct. 1613. was at length made Bishop of that place, on the death of Dr. Dav. Dolben, an. 1633. To which See being consecrated, the temporalities thereof were restored to him (b)(b) Pat. 9. Car. 1. p. 1 [•] . on the 26. of Febr. the same year. He died in sixteen hundred thirty and seven, 1637 and was, as I suppose, buried in the Church of Bangor. In the said See succeeded Dr. Will. Roberts Subdean of Wells and Archdeacon of Anglesie, sometimes Fellow of Queens coll. in Cambridge, and Proctor of that University, who having the said Bishoprick bestowed on him the endeavours of Dr. Laud Archb. of Cant. for discovering Church goods to the value of 1000 l. had the temporalities thereof given (c)(c) Pa [•] 1 [•] . Car. 1. p. 15. to him 24. Sept. 13. Car. 1. Dom. 1637. with liberty then allowed to him, to keep his Archdeaconty in Commendam. In the time of Rebellion he suffered much, and about 1649. he was sequestred of all, or most, of his Estate, whether spiritual or temporal. In the great year of the Restauration of K. Ch. 2. he was restored to all he had lost, and dying in 1665. one Dr……Price was elected Bishop, but he dying before consecration in the same year, Robert Morgan Dr. or Bach. of div. Rector of Llanddyfnan in Anglesie and Archdeacon of Merioneth being elected into his place, was consecrated at Lambeth on the first day of July 1666. He died in Sept. 1673. leaving behind him a Relict called Anne.