Athenæ Oxonienses. The History of Oxford Writers. Vol. 2, p. 667

George Griffith

sometimes Student of Christ Church was consecrated Bishop of S. Asaph in the latter end of Octob. 1660, and died in sixteen hundred sixty and six;1666. under which year you may see more of him among the Writers, p. 270. He succeeded in the said See, after it had laid void 9 years, one Dr. Joh. Owen of Cambridge, of whom I have made mention in the first vol. of this work p. 628. But whereas I have said there that he was author of Herod and Pilate reconciled, &c. which I took from Mercurius Publicus, published 4. June 1663, wherein ’tis said that Dr. Owen late Bishop of S. Asaph was the author, it proves an errour, for David Owen was the writer of it, as I have told you in the said vol, in the Fasti p. 803, wherein the first part of the title is omitted, for whereas the title there, is, The concord of a Papist and Puritan for the coercion, deposition and killing of Kings, it should be Herod and Pilate reconciled: or the concord of a Papist, &c. Camb. 1610. qu, reprinted under Dr. John Owens name in 1663, and so it was put in the said News book called Merc. Pub. which caused the errour by me made.