Athenæ Oxonienses. The History of Oxford Writers. Vol. 2, p. 135
John Gumbleden
a Hampshire man born, was entred a Batler of Broadgates Hall in the latter end of 1616 aged 18 years, made Student of Ch. Ch. soon after, took the Degrees in Arts, preached at Longworth in Berkshire several years, and was admitted to the reading of the sentences in 1632. Upon the turn of the times he sided with the Presbyterians, became Chaplain to Robert Earl of Leycester, and afterwards for a short time Rector of Coytie in Glamorganshire. He hath published,
Several Sermons, as (1) Serm. on Gen.—printed 1626. qu. (2) Serm. on Gen. 22.1.2.—print. 1627. qu. (3) Gods great mercy to mankind in Jesus Christ, at Pauls cross 1628, on Isa. 53.6. Oxon. 1628. qu. (4) Two Sermons preached before the Univ. of Oxon, on Matth. 11.28. and on Acts 10.3.4. Lond. 1657. qu, as also another on Acts 1. from 1. to 5, which I have not yet seen.
Christ tempted, the Devil conquered: or, a short exposition on a part of the fourth chapt. of S. Mathews Gospel. Lond. 1657. qu. He concluded his last day in Sept. or Oct. in sixteen hundred fifty and seven,1657. and was buried in the Chancel of the Church at Coytie beforemention’d. He had other things of the like nature fit for the press, laying by him; which, had he lived, he would have published.