Athenæ Oxonienses. The History of Oxford Writers. Vol. 1, p. 432
Edmund Gunter
, was a Hertfordshire man (*)(*) Reg. Matri [•] . Univ. Oxon. P. pag. 31. born, but descended originally from those of his name living at Gunterstown in Brecknockshire, elected from Westminster School a Student of Ch. Church 1599. aged 18. where going through with great industry the several Classes of Logick and Philosophy, took the degrees in Arts. Afterwards he entred into the Theological Faculty, became a Minister of Gods word, and in 1615. he was admitted to the reading of the Sentences. But his excellencies being above all, in the Mathematick Arts, he was made Astronomy Professor of Gresham coll. (before he was Bach. of Div.) in the place of Edw. Breerewood deceased. Where being settled he acted much for the publick by his profession, as well by writing as teaching. His works are,
Of the Sector, Cross Staff and other Instruments. Lond. 1624. 36. qu.
Canon Triangulorum, five tabulae sinuum artificialium ad radium 10000,0000. & ad scrupula prima quadrantis. Lond. 1620. oct. This being Englished, was with the former book, published by Sam. Foster Astronomy Professor of Gresham coll. (sometimes a Member of that of Emanuel in Cambr.) with a tract of his own, called, The use of the Quadrant. Lond. 1624. 53. qu. The fifth edition of these works of Gunter was diligently corrected, and had divers necessary things and matters (pertinent thereunto) added, throughout the whole work not before printed, by Will. Leybourne sometimes a Printer, and afterwards an eminent Mathematician.—Lond. 1673. qu. What these additions are, the said Leybourne acquaints us in his Epistle before the said works: Wherein he takes notice of some Plagiaries, who had then lately thrown into the World several tractates extracted (or rather transcribed) from Mr. Gunter, without the least mention of their true author. Some questions in Navigation are added to these works, by Hen. Bond teacher of the Mathematicks at Ratcliff near London, and to that was then (1673.) added, The description and use of another Sector and Quadrant; both of them invented by Sam. Foster before-mentioned. What other things our author Gunter hath written, I know not, unless one, two, or more parts of Dialling, which I have not yet seen. He concluded his last day in Gresham coll. 1626 in sixteen hundred twenty and six, and was buried on the eleventh of December in the same year, in the Parish of St. Peter le Poore within the City of London. See more of him in Edm. Wingate, whom I shall hereafter mention under the year 1656.