Athenæ Oxonienses. The History of Oxford Writers. Vol. 1, p. 224
Robert Gwinn
, a Welsh Man born, took one degree in Arts, 1568. and in 1571. leaving the University, went with Thom. Crowther another Batchelaur, to Doway, where being admitted into the English College, made very great progress in Divinity. Afterwards Gwinn returning into England, and settling in Wales in the condition of a Secular Priest, did write several Pious Works in the Welsh Tongue, as Anton. Possivinus tells (*)(*) In Apparat. Sac. de Scriptorth [〈◊〉] Edit. Col. Agrip. 1608. Tom. 2. p. 342. us, but the Titles of them he omits; and also translated from the English into the Welsh Language, A Christian Directory or Exercise guiding Men to Eternal Salvation, commonly called the Resolution: Clar. 1591. Written by Rob. Persons the Jesuit. which Translation was much used and valued, and so consequently did a great deal of good among the Welsh People. See more in Jo. Davies under the year 1634.