Athenæ Oxonienses. The History of Oxford Writers. Vol. 1, p. 83
John Gwynneth
was a Welsh Man born, and tho of very poor parentage, yet of most excellent natural parts, and exceeding apt to embrace any kind of juvenile learning. But so it was, that he having little or nothing to maintain him in his studies at Oxon, he was exhibited to by an Ecclesiastical Mecaenas, who well knew that his abilities were such, that in future time he might be an Ornament to the Cath. Church by writing against the Hereticks, as they were then called. The younger years of this Gwynneth were adorned with all kind of polite literature, and his elder, with the reading of the Scriptures, and conversation with Books, written by, and against the Lutherans and Zwinglians. At length perceiving full well what ground their Doctrine had gotten, he wrot,
Declaration of the state, wherein Hereticks do lead their lives. Lond. in qu.
Detection of that part of Fryths Book which he termeth His foundation. Lond. 1554. oct. Printed also, if I mistake not, before that time.
Against Joh. Fryth, on the Sacrament of the Altar. Lond. 1557. qu. Printed also, I think before that time.
Declaration of the notable victory given of God to Qu. Mary, shewed in the Church of Luton (o)(o) In Bedfordshire. 22. July in the first Year of her Reign.C [•] ar. 1557. Lond. (1554) oct. with other things, as ’tis probable, which I have not yet seen. This Joh. Gwynneth, I take to be the same with Jo. Gwynneth a Secular Priest, who for his great proficiency, and works performed, in the faculty of Musick, had the Degree of Doctor of the said faculty conferr’d upon him by the Members of this University, an. 1531. See more in the Fasti under that Year.