Athenæ Oxonienses. The History of Oxford Writers. Vol. 1, p. 138

Thomas Hardyng

was born at Beconton in Devonsh educated in Wykehams School near Winchester, became true and perpetual Fellow of New Coll. (after he had served two years of probation) an. 1536, took the Degrees in Arts, that of Master being compleated in 1542, at which time being esteemed a knowing Person in the Tongues, he was by the favour of K. Hen. 8. made Hebrew Professor of the University, and shortly after became Chaplain to Hen. Grey Marquess of Dorchester, afterwards Duke of Suffolk. In the Reign of Ed. 6. he was a Protestant, and seemed forward (*)(*) See more at large concerning that matter in Laur. Hum [••••] book [〈…〉] edit. 1573. p. 138. 139. for a reformation, but after his death and Q [] . Mary’s settlement in the throne, he wheeled about, became Prebendary of Winchester, proceeded in Divinity, and on the 17. Jul. 1555 was made Treasurer of the Church of Salisbury, in the place of Rich. Arche. After Qu. Elizabeth had for some time swayed the Scepter, he was deprived of his Treasureship, and Tho. Lancaster (the same Person, I think, who had been deprived of the Bishoprick of Kildare in the Reign of Queen Mary for being married) was put into it in the beginning of Jan. 1559. So that our Author Hardyng relinquishing his other spiritualities, (all matters being then involved in controversies) he upon pretence of some danger that was likely to ensue, went beyond the Seas to Brabant, where settling at Lovaine, he became the target of Popery, and a zealous assertor of his Religion in writing these Books following.

An answer to Mr. Jewells challenge. Lov. 1564. qu. Whereupon Jewell came out with a Reply.

Rejoynder to Mr. Jewells reply: By perusing whereof the discreet and diligent reader may easily see the answer to his insolent challenge justified, and his objections against the Masse, &c. Antwerp. 1566. in a thick qu.

Another rejoynder to Mr. Jewells reply against the sacrifice of the Mass. Lov. 1567. qu.

Confutation of a book called An Apologie of the Church of England. Ant. 1563. 65. qu. Which Apologie being written by Mr. Jewell, he came out with his Defence, as I have before told you.

Detection of errours and lyes in Mr. Jewells Book called A Defence of the Apologie, &c. Lov. 1564.

Answer touching certaine untruths which Mr. Jo. Jewell charged him with, in his late Sermon at Pauls cross, 8. Jul. 1565. Antw. 26. Jul. 1565 in qu. and oct. with other things which I have not yet seen. Most of the afore mentioned books, were by his Countryman Will. Rainolds turned into Latin, but money being wanting, their publication was therefore hindred. This learned Man Dr. Hardyng died at Lovaine in the sixtieth Year of his Age, or thereabouts, 1572 in Fifteen hundred seventy and two; whereupon his body was buried in the Church of St. Gertrude there, on the 16 day of Septemb. the same year. Soon after was a monument with a large inscription thereon, set over his grave; a Copy of which I have (q)(q) In Jo. Pits. ut sup. aet. 16. nu. 1019. seen, as also a great Encomium of him by one (r)(r) Jo. Leland in Encom. ut sup p. [] 3 vide etiam in Cyg. Cant. script. per eund. Lelandum. who well knew him, which, for brevity sake, I shall now omit.