Athenæ Oxonienses. The History of Oxford Writers. Vol. 1, p. 189

William Harrison

was a Londoner born, educated in Grammar learning at Westminster under Mr. Alex. Nowell in the latter end of King Hen. 8. or beginning of King Edw. 6. sent to Oxon to obtain Academical learning, but to what house therein, unless Ch. Ch. I cannot justly tell. From Oxon he went to Cambridge, and making some stay there, became at length domestick Chaplain to Sir Will. Brook Knight, Lord Warden of the Cinque ports and Baron of Cobham in Kent; who, if I mistake not, preferr’d him to a benefice. He hath written,

Historical description of the Island of Britain: with a brief rehearsal of the nature and qualities of the People of England, and such commodities as are to be found in the same. In 3. books—They were first published in the first and second volume of Chronicles that go under the name of Raphael Holinshed, printed at Lond. 1577. in fol. and there again in 1587 with augmentations by Jo. Hooker alias Vowell. The collection is made from divers choice Authors, many of which were then in MS.

A Chronologie.—Gathered and compiled with most exquisite diligence, after the example of Gerardus Mercator, and other late Chronoligers: So saith Raph. Holinshed in his Preface to the third volume of Chronicles. What he hath written besides,Clar. 1587. I know not, nor any thing else, but that he was living in Fifteen hundred eighty and seven. I find one Will. Harrison born in the Dioc. of London, elected Bachelaur-Fellow of Merton Coll. 1557, admitted M. of Arts in 1560, being then beneficed near to Northampton, but he dying 1564 cannot be understood to be the same with the writer. Another Will. Harrison I find to be installed Canon of Windsore, 1586. being about that time Rector of Radwynter, (in Essex) who dying 1593 was buried at Windsore, leaving behind him several Children which he had by his Wife Marian Daughter of Will. Isebrand of Anderne near to Guisnes in Picardie. Whether this Will. Harrison be the same with the writer, I cannot tell.