Athenæ Oxonienses. The History of Oxford Writers. Vol. 1, p. 560

John Hatton

, a Yorkshire man born, as it seems, and among the Oxonians for a time educated, became well beneficed in that County, and at length Suffiragan Bishop to the Archbishop of York under the title of Nigrepont; which is, as I suppose, near to the Archipelago. In the year 1503. he was made Prebendary of Gevendale in the Church of York, and in the year following Preb. of Vlleskelf in the same Church. But the said promotions being not sufficient to keep up the Port of a Bishop, he was made Archdeacon of Nottingham in the place of Tho. Crosley deceased, in the beginning of Sept. 1506. He departed this mortal life on the 25. 1516 Apr. in fifteen hundred and sixteen, and was buried in the north Isle joyning to the Choire of the Cathedral Church at York. In his Archdeaconry succeeded William Fell D. D. and in his Prebendary of Vlleskelf Brian Hygden LL. D.