Athenæ Oxonienses. The History of Oxford Writers. Vol. 1, p. 257
Richard Haydock
was born at Grewel in Hampshire, educated in Grammar learning in Wykeham’s School near to Winchester, admitted perpetual Fellow of New coll. in 1590. took the degrees in Arts, and travelled for some time beyond the Seas. At his return he studied Physick, took one degree in that Faculty, and in 1605. left the college, and settling in the City of Salisbury practiced Physick there many years. He hath translated from Italian into English,Clar. 1598. A Tract containing the Arts of curious Painting, Graving, and Building. Oxon. 1598. fol. Written originally by Joh. Paul Lomatius. This translation, which hath in the title page the picture of Ric. Haydock, is by him dedicated to Tho. Bodley Esq; a favourer of his Muse, as Dr. Joh. Case, and other chief men of the University then in being were; not only for his learning, but for his great curiosity in painting and engraving, for which among many he was esteemed eminent. This is that Rich. Haydock, whom a certain (*)(*) Arthur Wilson in his History of Great Brittain, or of the Reign of K. Jam. I. Lond. 1653. p 111. author reports, that he would practice Physick in the day-time, and Preach in his sleep in the night, about the beginning of the Reign of K. James 1. The whole story of which, being too large for this place, I shall refer the Reader to him, who errs in several particulars of it, especially in that, that when Haydock had ingeniously confessed the cheat to the King, (who made a discovery of it,) his Majesty thereupon gave him preferment in the Church. He was not in Orders, but lived always a Physician of good repute at Salisbury, and retiring for a time to London, dyed and was buried there, a little before the Grand Rebellion broke out, as I have been informed by those that knew the Man. The Reader is now to note that one Ric. Haydock translated from Italian into English, An ample declaration of the Christian Doctrine. Doway 1604. intw. written by Card. Rob. Bellarmine. But this person, who was a Doctor of Divinity, a Rom. Catholick, and had spent most of his time beyond the Seas in the English Seminaries, must not be taken to be the same with the former, who was a Physician, as some have done.